The Sleeper Has Awakened (Classic)

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For the Frostfire Ridge quest, see H [10-40] The Sleeper Has Awakened.
AllianceThe Sleeper Has Awakened
Start Kerlonian Evershade
End Liladris Moonriver
Level 20 (Requires 17)
Category Darkshore
Experience 1550 EXP (or 9s 60c at level 70)

 [Owlsight Rifle]  [Jadefinger Baton]

 [Steelcap Shield]


Escort Kerlonian Evershade to Liladris Moonriver at Maestra's Post in Ashenvale.


I was on my way to Maestra's Post to meet Liladris Moonriver, but I decided to stop here and take a short nap. Ever since I awoke from the emerald dream, I have been so sleepy... <yawn> Would you mind showing me the way? I understand that Maestra's Post is south of here, along the road in Ashenvale. It can be dangerous, so I hope you have some friends that will join us. Lastly, I may fall asleep so if you ever need to wake me, please use my horn. You'll find it in the chest here.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv weapon rifle 04.png [Owlsight Rifle] Inv wand 04.png [Jadefinger Baton]
Inv shield 11.png [Steelcap Shield]


Has Kerlonian arrived?


Oh, I am so happy Kerlonian made it! And I'm sure I'll find him sleeping somewhere around here, won't I? Thank you for showing him the way, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Unlike other escort quests, Kerlonian does not follow a preset path; he will follow the player. It is generally best to keep away from the road, as that will avoid the tougher (scripted) encounters.

Also, at the time of this writing, this quest has a major bug that can be extremely frustrating. If you try the quest once and Kerlonian dies, the Horn of Awakening will remain in your inventory. If you go back to where you first met Kerlonian, he will be there, asleep. Use the horn on him and he will awake (apparently) restarting the mission. However, the horn you have in your inventory will now simply disappear after a few minutes (probably based on the timer for your first attempt). This means it will almost certainly disappear during the quest, making it impossible to awaken Kerlonian, and causing you to fail the quest again. So, if you fail the quest once, make sure you abort it the next time, so the Horn is correctly reset.


The Sleeper Has Awakened is a quote from Frank Herbert's Dune uttered by Paul Atreides. It was also used by Druids of the Claw in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos upon spawn.

External links