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The Scrap King

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MobThe Scrap King
Image of The Scrap King
Gender Male
Race Mechagon mechagnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-60 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Arcforged
Location Mechagon Island
Status Killable

The Scrap King is a Mechagon mechagnome located on Mechagon Island. His boar mount, named the same, must be killed first before he can be engaged.


  • Inv misc foot centaur.png Rearing Charge — The caster rears up and charges inflicting Physical damage to all targets caught in the path and goring them causing them to bleed inflciting Physical damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec.
  • Inv eng puresteelbolts.png Mind Slice — Slams the ground in front of him, inflicting 70 Physical damage to players struck and stuns them for 2 sec.



Objective of


  • What should I use your parts for?
I will break you into bits and pieces!

Patch changes

External links

Mechagnome Boar