The Sapphire Queen

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NeutralThe Sapphire Queen
Start Elder Harkek
End High-Shaman Rakjak
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 21400
Reputation +500 Frenzyheart Tribe
Rewards  [Chitin-Reinforced Hood],  [Stinger-Proof Chestguard],  [Insect-Filtering Faceguard], or  [Bug-Smashing Pauldrons]
6g 50s
Previous N [20-30] The Ape Hunter's Slave
N [20-30] Tormenting the Softknuckles
Next N [20-30] Flown the Coop!


Bring the stinger of the Sapphire Queen to High-Shaman Rakjak at Frenzyheart Hill.

If you lose  [Dajik's Worn Chalk], speak to Elder Harkek in Frenzyheart Hill.


Bristlepine can be dangerous, but most stay far away from wolvar. Wasps on other hand not fear the Frenzyheart... they even kill some of our hunters.

I know Rakjak want wasp queen dead, but no wolvar want to go into her hive. You go kill wasp queen in Sapphire Hive to southeast and get stinger for Rakjak. Me bet Rakjak like that.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helmet 125.png [Chitin-Reinforced Hood] Inv chest leather 07.png [Stinger-Proof Chestguard]
Inv helmet 121.png [Insect-Filtering Faceguard] Inv shoulder 71.png [Bug-Smashing Pauldrons]

You will also receive: 6g 50s


You smell like wasp things.


You killed queen wasp! You stronger than Rakjak thought.

Maybe wasps go away now and stop attacking Frenzyheart hunters.


  1. N [20-30] The Part-time Hunter (optional)
  2. N [20-30] Playing Along
  3. Complete both to continue:
  4. Complete both to continue:
  5. N [20-30] Flown the Coop!
  6. Complete both to continue:
  7. N [20-30] A Rough Ride
  8. Complete both to continue:
  9. N [20-30] Hoofing It
  10. N [20-30] Just Following Orders
  11. N [20-30] Fortunate Misunderstandings
  12. Complete both to continue:
  13. N [20-30] Making Peace
  14. N [20-30] Back So Soon?
  15. Complete both to continue:
  16. N [20-30] Home Time!
  17. N [20-30] The Angry Gorloc
  18. Complete both to continue:
  19. N [20-30] A Hero's Burden (Lich fight)
  20. During the fight with the Lich, you'll have to choose which npc (either the Oracle or the Frenzyheart) you'll have to kill. The one you don't kill is the faction you'll join. Then ONE of these quests to become aligned with any of the factions:

External links