A Rough Ride

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NeutralA Rough Ride
Start High-Shaman Rakjak
End Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 5350
Reputation Frenzyheart Tribe +75
Rewards 1g 66s
Previous N [20-30] The Underground Menace
N [20-30] Mischief in the Making
Next N [20-30] Lightning Definitely Strikes Twice
N [20-30] The Mist Isn't Listening


Ride the captive crocolisk to Mistwhisper Refuge and then speak to Zepik for further instructions.

If you lose  [Zepik's Hunting Horn], speak to Elder Harkek in Frenzyheart Hill.

  • Travel to Mistwhisper Refuge.


Zepik is best hunter of the Frenzyheart. Zepik hunts big-tongues... ugly things near swamps that try to steal all stuff they can find.

Zepik going on long trek to break big-tongue shrine and try to scare them away. We no want big-tongues in this land anymore.

There a crocolisk chained on northeast side of hill, next to tree - go with Zepik and do what Zepik tell you.


You will receive: 1g 66s


They tell Zepik you good hunter for not being Frenzyheart.


We here! Must work fast.

Watch out for big-tongues.


When Zepik is summoned he will say "Too soon, you have awakened me too soon! What is the meaning of this intrusion?", a reference to one of Ragnaros's famous quotes.


  1. N [20-30] The Part-time Hunter (optional)
  2. N [20-30] Playing Along
  3. Complete both to continue:
  4. Complete both to continue:
  5. N [20-30] Flown the Coop!
  6. Complete both to continue:
  7. N [20-30] A Rough Ride
  8. Complete both to continue:
  9. N [20-30] Hoofing It
  10. N [20-30] Just Following Orders
  11. N [20-30] Fortunate Misunderstandings
  12. Complete both to continue:
  13. N [20-30] Making Peace
  14. N [20-30] Back So Soon?
  15. Complete both to continue:
  16. N [20-30] Home Time!
  17. N [20-30] The Angry Gorloc
  18. Complete both to continue:
  19. N [20-30] A Hero's Burden (Lich fight)
  20. During the fight with the Lich, you'll have to choose which npc (either the Oracle or the Frenzyheart) you'll have to kill. The one you don't kill is the faction you'll join. Then ONE of these quests to become aligned with any of the factions:

External links