The Rusty Prince

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MobThe Rusty Prince
Image of The Rusty Prince
Race Mechagon mechagnome (Mechanical)
Level 10-60 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Mechagon Island
Status Killable

The Rusty Prince is a rare that can encountered in the future alternate timeline of Mechagon Island. He is a fully mechanized version of Prince Erazmin.


  • Ability warrior shieldreflection.png Defensive Countermeasure — Surrounds the caster with a shield that lasts 30 sec and can absorb up to 50 damage.
  • Inv misc enggizmos 20.png Nanobot Repair Unit — Heals the caster for 10% of maximum health every 1 for 5 sec.
  • Spell nature purge.png Techno-Jaunt — Teleports to a location.
  • Trade engineering.png Top Gears — Fires a stream of spinning gears in a targeted direction, inflicting 200 Physical damage upon contact.
  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Zap — Unleashes an arc of electricity at a player, inflicting 13 Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies within 3 yards.


  • My father was right, mechanization is the salvation.
  • Step forth, and be judged in the eyes of invention!
  • Your presence here is but a minor distraction, that will soon be eliminated.
Resistance was insufficient. I have been upgraded.
Everything is truly finished... father...


Objective of

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