The Pyromancer's Grimoire

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AllianceThe Pyromancer's Grimoire
Start Frazzle Frostfingers
End Frazzle Frostfingers
Level 20-30 (Requires 20)
Type Dungeon
Category Blackrock Depths
Class Mage Mage
Experience 3,450
Reputation +350 Stormwind
Rewards  [Hood of the Royal Wizard]
10g 70s
Previous A Mage [20-30] Meet with Frazzle Frostfingers
For the Horde version of this quest, see H Mage [20-30D] The Pyromancer's Grimoire.


Kill 6 Twilight Emissaries and recover Loregrain's Grimoire from Pyromancer Loregrain at the Shrine of Thaurissan in Blackrock Depths.


The power of the Dark Iron forces and their Twilight's Hammer allies is growing within Blackrock Mountain. Pyromancer Loregrain, a magus of renown, plays an important role in leading the Twilight's Hammer forces there. If we could get our hands on his grimoire, I might be able to devise counterspells and other ways of dampening their elemental magics.

You must descend into Blackrock Depths, locate the Shrine of Thaurissan, and capture the grimoire. Show Loregrain and his Twilight minions no mercy.


You will receive:


Have you managed to capture the pyromancer's grimoire?


<The mage trainer pages through the grimoire quickly.>

I've already seen a dozen spells I never knew existed. This will be most helpful, <name>.


  1. A Mage [20-30] Meet with Frazzle Frostfingers (optional)
  2. A Mage [20-30D] The Pyromancer's Grimoire

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