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The Platinum Map

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HordeThe Platinum Map
Start  [Platinum Map]
End Ta'mil Nadu
Level 10-50
Category Mining


Find the Platinum Map's maker in Vol'dun.


Nestled within the fissures of the deposit, you find a small disc of pure platinum.

Dusting it off, you see etchings in its surface and recognize it as a map of Vol'dun. You also notice what appears to be a small cave in the south west that has been circled.

Whoever left this apparently has a wealth of knowledge of the metal and wants to be found.


It is good to meet you. My name is Ta'mil. Please, take a seat, we have much to discuss.

A long time ago, I used to be a miner and a shaman.

I would tell de spirits what metals I needed and why I needed it, and ask them for what dey could spare. Dey would bring what dey could to de surface for me.

<The warmth from his voice leaves as his face turns somber.>

Now de spirits tell me I am not long for dis world. Even in dis desert, I feel de cold creeping into my bones.


  1. H Mining [10-50] An Exceptional Platinum Shard
  2. H Mining [10-50] The Platinum Map
  3. H Mining [10-50] An Ore for an Eye

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