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The Mystic Chest

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AllianceThe Mystic Chest
Start Farseer Ori
End Automatic
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Nazjatar
Reputation +75 Waveblade Ankoan
Rewards  [Liberated Naga Cache]


Loot the Mystic Chest.

  • Mystic Chest looted


We have uncovered many rare treasures while exploring Nazjatar. I believe that I have found yet another cache of valuable artifacts to retrieve.

Some time ago, I noticed a strangely glowing object in the distance. I believe that it may have been a treasure chest.

We should go and investigate the object. If it is a treasure chest, its contents may prove valuable in our quest to defeat the naga!


You will receive:

You will receive:
Inv legion cache kirintor.png [Liberated Naga Cache]





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