The Lost of Teldrassil

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Night FaeThe Lost of Teldrassil
Start Ysera [44.8, 39.0]
End Ysera [44.8, 39.0]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ardenweald
Experience 6,800
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Their New Home
Next N [60] From a Dark Place


Travel to the Maw and rescue Lost Souls.

  • Lost Souls saved (3)


I learned that Sylvanas burned Teldrassil, I felt my heart break for the night elves.

And that was only the beginning. We know now that the souls lost that day, did not go to their intended rest.

But you have the power to begin to correct that, Maw Walker.

If you find yourself in the Maw, look for any of those lost.

Please, bring them home.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 6,800 XP


A great wrong must be righted, any way we can.


Thank you, Maw Walker.

You have brought back a little bit of the light from the darkness.

We will make this right, no matter how long it takes.


This is not a normal "Save the Souls" weekly quest - the quest specifically looks for three named targets, all located in the Tremaculum.

Additionally, there's no special dispensation for the Eye of the Jailer -- if players are already at threat tier 5 for the day they will need to return after the reset. Unlike normal soul saving, collecting the three souls will not affect threat levels, however.

There was fire... and then...
I sang.
Goddess, what is happening?
Gossip It's time to get you out of here.
Astarii Starseeker's soul is safely secured.
So much darkness...
I did everything I could to save them, didn't I?
Gossip It's time to get you out of here.
Jandria's soul is safely secured.
Everything burned... even the seedlings...
Gossip It's time to get you out of here.
Denalan's soul is safely secured.


  1. N [60] The Lost of Teldrassil
  2. N [60] From a Dark Place
  3. N [60] No Wisp Left Behind

Patch changes

External links