The Lost Vambraces

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NeutralThe Lost Vambraces
Start Injured Gnome
End Itty Bitty Murloc
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Moonglade
Experience 4700
Rewards  [Decharged Void-Powered Vambraces]


Find the lair of the "Beast" that the injured gnome was referring to and recover the Void-Powered Vambraces

  • Find the monster's lair


You see, I'm a knight of some renown and I recently took it upon myself to rid the land of a particularly terrible evil making its home on a nearby island to the east. When I found the vile creature, a truly epic battle was met. We must have fought for hours until at last I sent the beast into full retreat, no doubt run off to succumb to its wounds. I was barely able to make it back to town myself before I collapsed in exhaustion. The vambraces must have slipped from my arm during the battle.


You will receive:


<The young murloc looks at you and makes a cute gurgling sound.>

You notice there is a small pile of dirt next to the Murloc. Perhaps a burrow of some sort. Maybe you should check it for the vambraces?


You've found a small burrow belonging to an adorable and seemingly friendly young Murloc. Surely this isn't the beast that the gnome was referring to?

<The tiny murloc makes a small gurgling noise and proceeds to burp up a pair of slime-covered vambraces at your feet>


This quest is available during N [50] The Bad News...

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