The Lost Rune (undead)

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For other versions, see The Lost Rune.
HordeThe Lost Rune
Start Dannal Stern
End Dannal Stern
Level 2 (Requires 2)
Category Warrior
Race IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Undead
Class Warrior Warrior
Experience 85
Reputation +50 Undercity


Find the rune hidden in Night Web's Hollow and use it to learn a new technique, then report back to Dannal Stern in Deathknell.


The Dark Lady's warriors have much to teach you, but you must also seek out new techniques on your own.

Another warrior recently ventured north into Night Web's Hollow. He was experimenting with engraving mystical runes onto his equipment to improve his combat prowess.

I suspect he was overwhelmed by the spiders infesting the mine. Find the rune among their webs and learn this technique yourself.


You will receive:


Did you find the rune?


Well done, <name>. Applying the rune to your equipment will grant you powerful new abilities.

There are many such runes throughout Azeroth. Seek them out, as they will help along your journey.

Patch changes

External links