The Lost Apprentice

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AllianceThe Lost Apprentice
Start Vestia Moonspear [57.25, 54.93]
End Lost Apprentice
Level 15-30
Category Feralas
Experience 3,710
Next N [15-30] The Darkmist Legacy, N [15-30] Ancient Suffering


Look for the Lost Apprentice in the Darkmist Ruins.


If you have a moment, <class>...

One of the students I was teaching has gone to explore the Darkmist Ruins to the south by himself. I warned him that it was too dangerous, but he was too excited to listen. I had spoken with him earlier about an amulet that is concealed within those ruins. Now, I fear that he may have run off in search of it, because of me...

Estulan has forbidden us to pursue him. If you go there, could you please look for him?


<The apprentice's body is cold. He has been dead for a while.>


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. A [15-30] The Lost Apprentice / H [15-30] The Darkmist Ruins
  2. N [15-30] The Darkmist Legacy, N [15-30] Ancient Suffering
  3. N [15-30] Verinias the Twisted
  4. A [15-30] Return to Vestia / H [15-30] Return to Sage Palerunner

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