The Lorewalkers (Horde)

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HordeThe Lorewalkers
Start Lena Stonebrush
End Lorewalker Cho
Level 30-35
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Next N [30-35] Your Private Collection
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-35] The Lorewalkers.


Speak to Lorewalker Cho at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


So you are interested in learning more of the lore of this land?

Very well! You should speak to Lorewalker Cho at the Seat of Knowledge.

He can be found in the room above the entrance to the Mogu'shan Palace.


Ah yes, I can see by your face that you are an eager seeker of stories. You have come to the right place.


Fly across the Summer Fields to the Mogu'shan Palace. On the second level out on the terrace is Mishi, outside the door of the Seat of Knowledge. Run in and speak with Cho.


Optional breadcrumb: B [30-35] The Lorewalkers

  1. N [30-35] Your Private Collection
  2. One each day:
  3. Upon completing achievements:

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