The Legion's Vanguard

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NeutralThe Legion's Vanguard
Antoran Wastes
Level 110 (950)
Duration 7 hrs
Followers 3
Type Generic
Cost 300 Order Resources
Champion XP 3,000
Bonus Chest 2x  [Valarjar Insignia]
2x  [Dreamweaver Insignia]
2x  [Court of Farondis Insignia]
2x  [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
2x  [Wardens Insignia]
2x  [Nightfallen Insignia]
2x  [Valarjar Insignia]
2x  [Dreamweaver Insignia]
2x  [Court of Farondis Insignia]
2x  [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
2x  [Wardens Insignia]
2x  [Nightfallen Insignia]
2x  [Legionfall Insignia]
2x  [Legionfall Insignia]


Legion vessels dock at Terminus, taking on soldiers and supplies for their assaults against Azeroth. Bring those vessels down.



You will receive:
Inv legion faction valarjar.png 2x [Valarjar Insignia] Inv legion faction dreamweavers.png 2x [Dreamweaver Insignia]
Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis.png 2x [Court of Farondis Insignia] Inv legion faction hightmountaintribes.png 2x [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
Inv legion faction warden.png 2x [Wardens Insignia] Inv legion faction nightfallen.png 2x [Nightfallen Insignia]
Inv legion faction valarjar.png 2x [Valarjar Insignia] Inv legion faction dreamweavers.png 2x [Dreamweaver Insignia]
Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis.png 2x [Court of Farondis Insignia] Inv legion faction hightmountaintribes.png 2x [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
Inv legion faction warden.png 2x [Wardens Insignia] Inv legion faction nightfallen.png 2x [Nightfallen Insignia]
Achievement faction legionfall.png 2x [Legionfall Insignia] Achievement faction legionfall.png 2x [Legionfall Insignia]

Your followers will gain:

  • 3,000 follower XP

Patch changes

External links