The Legend of Korrak

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HordeThe Legend of Korrak
Start Warmaster Laggrond
End Warmaster Laggrond
Level 60 (Requires 51)
Type Raid
Category Alterac Valley
Experience 14,300

 [Ice Barbed Spear]  [Bloodseeker]

 [Wand of Biting Cold]
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [60R] Korrak the Bloodrager.


According to legend, the leader of the mighty Winterax trolls appears at will to wreak havoc on the denizens of Alterac Valley.

Should Korrak make himself known, destroy him and return to Warmaster Laggrond.


The invading Stormpike are not the only threat in the region, soldier. The war in the Valley is waged on two fronts. The cannibal Winterax trolls also vie for power.

They are lead[sic] by Korrak the Bloodrager - a cruel and cunning beast.

A strike against Korrak could prove to be a crushing blow to the Winterax clan. Slay the beast and be rewarded!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv spear 04.png [Ice Barbed Spear] Inv weapon crossbow 07.png [Bloodseeker]
Inv wand 01.png [Wand of Biting Cold]
You will also receive: (or 87s if completed at level 90)
Inv misc rune 05.png [Rune of Recall]


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

Patch changes

External links