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The King's Gambit

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HordeThe King's Gambit
Start Rezan
End King Rastakhan
Level 10-60
Category Zuldazar
Experience 24,680
Reputation +350 Zandalari Empire
Rewards 70g 20s
Previous H [10-60] City of Gold
Next H [10-50D] Atal'Dazar: Yazma the Fallen Priestess, H [10-60] Of Dark Deeds and Dark Days


Join Rezan and Rastakhan in their siege of Atal'Dazar.

  • March on Atal'Dazar
  • Speak with King Rastakhan
  • Get Rastakhan to safety


Atal'Dazar is the tomb of kings. MY kings. My greatest followers.

I will taste Zul's flesh before this day is done.

Come, <name>, keep up. Our prey has neither the strength nor the numbers to block this entrance. Let us crush this heretic.


You will receive:




He... he's gone...


King Rastakhan
Rezan has too much of a head start. We will not be able to reach him before he reaches Zul.

Gossip What now?

Yazma says: Your visions had best be right about dis.
Rezan says: Heretic!
Rezan says: You trespass upon sacred ground.
Zul the Prophet says: Ah, he arrives. Da loa of... Hmm...
Zul the Prophet says: What do we call you now?
Rezan says: Mind your tongue, traitor.
Zul the Prophet says: Rezan, Rezan...
Zul the Prophet says: Do you not understand?
Zul the Prophet says: I am not your subject.
Zul the Prophet says: And you have no place among kings.
Rezan charges and a hidden blood ritual activates and kills the loa.
Zul the Prophet says: Da time of the loa... is done.
Zul the Prophet says: Da hour of blood approaches.
King Rastakhan says: Rezan... he... he is gone. Dat... thing is not a loa.
King Rastakhan
I feel like someone has ripped de very soul from my body.

Gossip Time to leave!

King Rastakhan says: Retreat! Live to fight another day.
Gonk yells: Charge, brothers and sisters! Stop for nothing!


  1. H [10-60] King or Prey or H [10-60] Zanchuli Disbanded
  2. H [10-60] Hunting Zul
  3. H [10-60] The Warpack
  4. H [10-60] The Full Prophecy & H [10-60] Heretics
  5. H [10-60] City of Gold
  6. H [10-60] The King's Gambit
  7. H [10-50D] Atal'Dazar: Yazma the Fallen Priestess, H [10-60] Of Dark Deeds and Dark Days

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