The Iron Missive

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AllianceThe Iron Missive
Start  [Iron Missive]
End Beldos
Level 96 (Requires 94)
Category Talador
Experience 14,500
Rewards 13g 80s


Burn the Iron Horde Supplies and the Iron Horde Camp.


<The missive outlines a plan to pollute Elekk Acres to ruin the Draenei food supply while their leader, Thokk, sends a force from a camp on the hill to the northwest to slaughter the remaining refugees.>

<If you burn their supplies here and their forward camp with the torches they left here, you can buy precious time to organize a defense against the imminent attack!>


You will receive:

  • 13g 80s
  • 14,500 XP

Patch changes

External links