The Hunt Completed

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HordeThe Hunt Completed
Start Senani Thunderheart
End Senani Thunderheart
Level 30 (Requires 20)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 3,050
Reputation +350 Thunder Bluff
Rewards  [Wildhunter Cloak]
Previous H [24] Ursangous's Paw, H [27] Shadumbra's Head, H [30] Sharptalon's Claw


You will receive:
Inv misc cape 10.png [Wildhunter Cloak]

You will also gain:


<Name>, you have slain all three beasts that comprise the Ashenvale Hunt.  You have brought me adequate proof of their demise; there is no question of your strength and tenacity.  The blood of a hunter streaks through your veins, and you should be commended!

Please, accept this bauble as a sign of congratulations on your mighty deeds done in Ashenvale for the Horde today.  May your ancestors watch over you!


  1. H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt / H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt / H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt
  2. H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt
  3. H [30] The Hunt Completed

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