Sharptalon's Claw (Classic)

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For the Cataclysm version, see H [7-30] Sharptalon's Claw.
HordeSharptalon's Claw
Start  [Sharptalon's Claw]
End Senani Thunderheart
Level 30 (Requires 20)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 2,450
Reputation +250 Thunder Bluff
Previous H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt
Next H [30] The Hunt Completed


Bring Sharptalon's Claw to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.


The mighty hippogryph Sharptalon has been slain, with the claw of the felled beast serving as a testament to your victory. Senani Thunderheart at the Splintertree Post will no doubt be interested in seeing this trophy as proof of your deeds.



Yes, mighty <class>, I sensed your arrival. I trust you have more news to report to me about your hunt?


Most impressive, <name>... the claw of Sharptalon could not have been easy to get! The Ashenvale Hunt goes well for you!

Sharptalon had long terrorized the peons from the lumber camps near its path as they tried to travel here to Splintertree Post. No doubt once the word gets out that it was you who put down the beast, many rousing songs of your bravery will be heard at campfires and lumber mills across Ashenvale!


  1. H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt / H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt / H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt
  2. H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt
  3. H [30] The Hunt Completed

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