The Green Drake (Season of Discovery)

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For the Classic version, see N Hunter [52D] The Green Drake.
NeutralThe Green Drake
Start Ogtinc
End Ogtinc
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Raid
Category Hunter
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 5900
Rewards  [Devilsaur Eye],  [Devilsaur Tooth]  [Hunting Spear]
Previous N Hunter [52] Wavethrashing


Bring the Tooth of Morphaz to Ogtinc in Azshara. Ogtinc resides atop the cliffs northeast the Ruins of Eldarath.


Now I set you on a dangerous hunt to slay the green drake, Morphaz, and bring his tooth to me. Morphaz dwells deep in Temple of Atal'Hakkar, the entrance to which lies in Swamp of Sorrows.

If you wish to defeat him, you must not go alone. This drake is an enemy of many -- seek others who wish to destroy him.

The drake's tooth represents the power a hunter will find in the company of others. Bring it to me and you will have learned much.


You will receive:


I see wisdom in your eyes, <name>. Has your hunt ended?


You have learned the old ways, <name>, and for that I offer you a gift from my days as a hunter.


  1. N Hunter [52] The Hunter's Charm
  2. N Hunter [52] Courser Antlers
  3. N Hunter [52] Wavethrashing
  4. N Hunter [50R] The Green Drake

Patch changes

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