The Games We Play

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NeutralThe Games We Play
Start Elder Gwenna
End Elder Gwenna
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 12,950
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 20s 60c


Win the game of wits by using emotes to correctly answer the Playful Trickster's riddles.

  • Secret discovered


Do not worry about me. We have a bigger problem.

I heard their leader around here somewhere during the attack. I have been keeping watch from here but I have not been able to see them. They must be using some sort of glamour to hide themselves.

I have yet to meet a spriggan who can resist a game. If you find one eager to play and can win, then perhaps you can learn something about their leader.


You will receive:


Spriggans are tricky creatures, but they are obligated to follow their rules. Still, be careful.


Very interesting. This will be quite useful.


Speaking with Gwenna

Gossip What can you tell me of the faerie's game?

Ah, the conversation game, is it? You will find that the faerie wants you to perform specific actions in response to their prompting.
I would suggest reading their words carefully, for there may be some hint in what they want. Make sure you respond in a timely fashion, and whatever you do, do not be rude!
Playing the game

Find and click on the Giggling Basket to make a Playful Trickster appear.

Playful Trickster says: What have we here? Someone who wishes to play! What shall we play for, hmm?
Playful Trickster says: I know, I know! If I win, we turn you into a toad! If you win, I'll tell you a secret that nobody else knows!
Playful Trickster says: The rules are simple! You just need to keep up with my conversation and react appropriately! Easy, right? Then let's begin!

As the spriggan says, there are clues in the text as to what emote to use on him. You have 30 seconds to respond. This is shown through his Spell holy borrowedtime.png Waiting buff.

He will say the following prompts in a random order:

  • Playful Trickster says: One time, I managed to trick all the sylvari in a grove into thinking I was a member of their court! The other spriggans were all cheering my name for days!
    • Type /cheer
  • Playful Trickster says: Oh, my feet are practically jumping with excitement! I could just dance for an eternity! Dance with me!
    • Type /dance
  • Playful Trickster says: Spriggans have our share of heroes too! The great hero Hollain was said to be able to split a mountain with a single thrust of his spear. Oh, to see such a display! How strong he must have been!
    • Type /flex
  • Playful Trickster says: The fae courts are very big on manners, you know. The slightest lapse in decorum can have... devastating consequences. Introductions are an important part of first impressions!
    • Type /introduce
  • Playful Trickster says: We do so much to help out the people of the lands. I'm sure you've heard the stories. Mending shoes, growing fields, reuniting lost loves. But what do we get in return? Not so much as a word of praise! Hmph!
    • Type /praise
  • Playful Trickster says: Many seek us for our talents, but few can actually earn them. Some give gifts, always gratefully accepted. Some try to outwit us, usually failing. Some ask permission, and always thank us for our trouble.
    • Type /thank

After each correct response, the spriggan will say one of the following:

  • Playful Trickster says: Correct! Not bad....
  • Playful Trickster says: Hah, perfectly said! You're pretty good at this!
  • Playful Trickster says: Oh, very good! Very good!

Failing any prompt afflicts you with Inv frog2 green.png Faerie Punishment and causes the spriggan to admonish you, then disappear back into the basket.

  • Playful Trickster says: I'm not mad. Just disappointed.
  • Playful Trickster says: If I didn't know any better, I would say you have no concept of proper courtesy and decorum! But I told you the rules!
  • Playful Trickster says: No, no, that's not right at all! Were you even paying attention?

After all six prompts are successfully passed, he'll concede:

Playful Trickster says: I'm impressed! You are almost as clever as a spriggan... almost.
Playful Trickster says: Fine! You won fair and square, so here's the secret: the boss is terribly allergic to puffpetal powder! It'll send him into a sneezing fit!
Playful Trickster says: Okay, bye! Let's play again sometime...

Notes and trivia

  • Many of the quotes in this quest relate to real-world fairy folklore, such as the importance of proper greetings in the fairy world, or works of literature, like the shoe-mending quote referring to The Elves and the Shoemaker, or the hero Hollain likely being a reference to Cú Chulainn (pronounced Koo Koo-lain).


  1. N [55-60] Ages-Echoing Wisdom and N [55-60] Idle Hands
  2. N [55-60] Outplayed

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