Craftsman Needs No Tools

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NeutralCraftsman Needs No Tools
Start Elder Finnan
End Elder Finnan
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 12,950
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 20s 60c


Find Finnan's Lucky Mallet.


Oh, I am quite all right! There's just one little thing....

One of these fiends made off with my lucky mallet! I simply cannot leave my mallet behind. I do not even use it much any more, but it is quite lucky and I always keep it with me.

Please, I cannot even think about building anything without it. Do keep an eye out for it, will you?


You will receive:


It is small, and quite lucky. I am sure you will know it when you see it.


Oh, you found it! How lucky, do you see?


  1. N [55-60] Ages-Echoing Wisdom and N [55-60] Idle Hands
  2. N [55-60] Outplayed

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