The Flock's Revenge

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NeutralThe Flock's Revenge
Start High Ravenspeaker Krikka
End High Ravenspeaker Krikka
Level 96 (Requires 96)
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 14,500
Reputation +250 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 13g 80s


Kill 18 Bloodmane Saberon.

  • Bloodmane Saberon slain (18)


The Bloodmane took several of our initiates when they ambushed our ritual in Ravenskar. They must be taught that the flock will never allow such a deed to go unpunished!

We will kill one of their tribe for each of the flock that has fallen!

head into their accursed home of Bloodmane Valley and slaughter as many of them as you can find.


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