The First Lesson

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HordeThe First Lesson
Start Harutt Thunderhorn
End Harutt Thunderhorn
Level 3 (Requires 3)
Category Warrior
Race IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Tauren
Experience 130
Reputation +75 Thunder Bluff
Previous  [Simple Note]


Learn [Charge] from Harutt Thunderhorn. Locate a Training Dummy in Camp Narache and practice using Charge.


The time has come for your first lesson in the ways of the warrior, <name>, and a fitting lesson it is. I will teach you a technique for gaining the upper hand at the start of battle.

Charge into the fray, surprising your enemy, and stunning him. After we have completed our lesson, I want you to try it for yourself.


You have done well, <name>. Return to me when you are in need of further training.


  1. H [1-10] The First Step
  2. H [1-10] Rite of Strength
  3. H [1-10] Our Tribe, Imprisoned
  4. H [1-10] Go to Adana
  5. H [1-10] Rite of Courage / H [1-10] Stop the Thorncallers
  6. H [1-10] The Battleboars / H [1-10] Feed of Evil
  7. H [1-10] Rite of Honor
  8. H [1-10] Last Rites, First Rites
  9. H [1-10] Rites of the Earthmother
  10. H [1-10] Rite of the Winds (to Bloodhoof Village)

Patch changes

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