The Fearmaster (quest)

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NeutralThe Fearmaster

The Fearmaster at Muskpaw Stead
Start Lao Muskpaw [71, 69]
End Lao Muskpaw [71, 69]
Level 20-35
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 162000
Rewards Item level 414 boots
10g 60s
Previous N [20-35] The Late Mrs. Muskpaw


The Fearmaster
He prefers the manuverability of a yak versus the strength of a mushan.

Kill the Fearmaster.


I am not gonna take this anymore. My wife, bless her, poured her heart and soul in to that ranch making it what it is today.

Them yaungol got a leader over there being all smug and what not. I'll pay you handsomely if you knock that smug smile off his filthy, stinking, good for nothing face.


Item level 414 boots
Inv boots cloth panda b 01 green.png [Kafa Satin Treads] Inv boots leather panda b 01.png [Kafa Hide Footguards]
Inv boots mail panda b 01black.png [Dreaming Spirit Boots] Inv boots plate panda b 02yellow.png [Kafa Burnished Greaves]
Inv boots cloth panda b 01 green.png [Kafa Silk Treads] Inv boots leather panda b 01.png [Kafa Leather Boots]
Inv boots mail panda b 01black.png [Yak Herder Boots] Inv boots plate panda b 02yellow.png [Kafa Heavy Warboots]
Inv boots plate panda b 02yellow.png [Kafa Armored Warboots]

You will also receive: 10g 60s


So many strangers in these lands these days. Luckily you <class> seem to be all right.


Yee haw! I knew you <race>s might be good for somethin'. He must have made a very satisfying "thump" when he hit the ground.


  • 162000 XP


Heading out to the Muskpaw Ranch for N [20-35] At the Yak Wash, N [20-35] Yakity Yak auto-accepts nearing the area. That quest targets Burilgi Despoilers, of whom one of which will drop the  [Muskpaw's Keepsake], starting N [20-35] The Late Mrs. Muskpaw. Turn that quest in to Lao Muskpaw to pick up this quest.

The Fearmaster is a level 87 yaungol with 644,000 health and the following abilities:

  • Power Charge 60 yd range — Charge a target knocking it back. 2 sec cast. (1 sec cooldown)
  • Mortal Strike Melee range — Inflicts 130% weapon damage and leaves the target wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 5 sec. Instant


Optional breadcrumb: B [20-35] Muskpaw Ranch

  1. N [20-35] The Missing Muskpaw
  2. N [20-35] At the Yak Wash
  3. N [20-35] Back in Yak

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