The Fang of Shadra (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Fang of Shadra
Start Gilda Cloudcaller
End Gilda Cloudcaller
Level 10-30
Category Hinterlands
Experience 3100
Rewards 35s
Previous A [10-30] The Eye of Shadra
Next A [10-30] The Shell of Shadra
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-30] The Fang of Shadra.


Collect the Fang of Shadra from the Creeping Ruins.


We'll need the Fang of Shadra next.

It's kept in the Creeping Ruins to the east, guarded by Shadra's own spawn. Hideous spiders the size of a dwarf, and twice as strong. Their venom is strong, <name>... don't get careless.


You will receive: 35s


Have you got the fang?


There it is... only one left, <lad/lass>.


As with the  [Eye of Shadra], the Fang is in a Cache of Shadra, though at the Creeping Ruin rather than Agol'watha.


  1. B [10-30] The Eye of Shadra
    • Optional chain:
    1. B [10-30] Can't Make An Omelette Without...
  2. B [10-30] The Fang of Shadra
    1. B [10-30] Starvation Diet
  3. B [10-30] The Shell of Shadra
  4. B [10-30] Summoning Shadra
  5. B [10-30] Shadra the Venom Queen

Patch changes

External links