The False Talon King

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NeutralThe False Talon King
Start Anzu [66.8, 51.7]
End Anzu [64.3, 37.0]
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 14500
Reputation +250 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 13g 80s
Previous N [30-40] Gaze of the Raven God, N [30-40] Sons of Sethe
Next N [30-40] Sethe, the Dead God


Retrieve the Scuffed Bangle from Talon King Ikiss.


Ikiss was once a respected sage among the Adherents, but his search for the truth of Terokk's fall led to his own banishment.

Ikiss became obsessed with Terokk, even claiming to be the old hero reborn. He commands the Sethekk, promising untold power in a new age of darkness.

Know this: Ikiss is no Talon King. Slay the delusional fool, and search him for anything useful. He is known to collect powerful trinkets.


You will receive:


Have you silenced the false king?


A bracelet? Interesting... rather plain looking...


Pick up N [30-40] Servants of a Dead God and N [30-40] Ritual Severance before heading out.

Back to the northeast. Start killing arakkoa and look for big ~10-yard diameter ritual circles on the ground. Run over them repeatedly until they're stomped out. Just uphill from the southern ritual circle is Talon King Ikiss. He has the same area of effect move now that his Outland version in Auchindoun did, though this version won't one-shot at-level players. Still, kite him around the central pillar and do break line-of-sight when he's about to finish the cast. Once Ikiss is dead, interact with the Heavy Bangle on the altar to pick up N [30-40] Lithic's Gift. Hold on to that quest for now and finish up these first.

Head north to stomp out the central and northern ritual circles as well.

Turn in northeast of Talon Watch, due east of where Kalos the Bloodbathed is in Sethekk Hollow.


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Ikiss was once a respected sage among the high arakkoa, but his search for the truth of Terokk's fall led to his own banishment.

After his fall, Ikiss became completely obsessed with Terokk.

He claims to be the old hero reborn, and has even named himself Talon King.

Know this: Ikiss is no Talon King. He is an insect tumbling in the breeze who thinks himself soaring.

Slay the delusional fool. And search his workshop for relics of the true Talon King.


In death, he is closer to Terokk than he ever was in life.


  1. N [30-40] Talon Watch
  2. N [30-40] Banished From the Sky
  3. Complete both:
  4. Complete all of:
  5. N [30-40] Sethe, the Dead God

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