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The Empress

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The Empress.

The Empress is a wood-panel scroll at the base of a statue located at [35.6, 32.6], north of the Heart of Fear in the Dread Wastes.

Interacting with the scroll is one of the requirements of the Pandaria exploration achievement  [Heart of the Mantid Swarm].


The Empress

The Empress of the mantid is a force to be feared throughout Pandaria. From her, the nearly endless hosts of the mantid are spawned.

Though mantid empresses are long-lived, they are not immortal. A council of mantid elders, known as the Klaxxi, see to the organized transfer of power from one empress to the next. The exact nature of the exchange is extremely secretive, but it appears to involve a trial by combat. Remains of the previous empress are fed to her successor. For this reason, the unbroken line of power has extended throughout the entire history of the mantid civilization.

Though few in number, the Klaxxi evidently play a pivotal role in shaping and protecting mantid culture. It is unclear if they can directly countermand the will of the Empress, however.

Patch changes

External links

es:La Emperatriz