The Damaged Journal (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Damaged Journal
Start Battered Journal
End Torthen Deepdig
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20950
Rewards 5g 90s (or 12g 57s at 80)
Next A [15-30] The Runic Keystone
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-30] The Damaged Journal.


Recover Missing Journal Pages, combine them with the Incomplete Journal, and return the completed journal to Torthen Deepdig at the Westfall Brigade Encampment.


This battered, mud-stained journal has seen better days. Leafing through the pages, you discover dozens of notes, diagrams, and maps.

The author's handwriting seems vaguely familiar, but you're unable to place it until you discover an entry signed with the name of Brann Bronzebeard.

The back half of the book, containing the most recent entries, has been torn away. Pages litter the battlefield, and it will be impossible to know what Brann discovered here until the book is whole again.


You will receive: 5g 90s


What's that you have there?


You found Brann's journal? Incredible! The league hasn't gotten a report from him in some time, and we began to fear he may have been captured or killed. What did he discover inside Thor Modan?


 [Missing Journal Pages] can be found laying scattered around Thor Modan. Very rarely, a Runic Battle Golem might carry one.

On completion:

Torthen Deepdig reads through the most recent entries in Brann's journal.
Torthen Deepdig says: It says here that Brann discovered a mysterious runic plate deep in Thor Modan!
Torthen Deepdig says: Brann writes that he was working on a guide to these runic symbols when the giants and their allies attacked.
Torthen Deepdig says: He reports deciphering part of the writing on the runic plate, but it doesn't look like he recorded his translation.
Torthen Deepdig says: By Magni's beard, we've got to construct the runic key he used to read the plate. We could be right on his heels!


  1. A [15-30] The Damaged Journal
  2. A [15-30] The Runic Keystone
  3. A [15-30] The Runic Prophecies

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