The Corrupter (4)

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HordeThe Corrupter
Start Maurin Bonesplitter
End Takata Steelblade
Level 33 (Requires 28)
Category Desolace
Experience 270
Previous H [35] The Corrupter
Next H [40G] The Corrupter


Speak to Takata Steelblade in Desolace.


The creature is far more dangerous than I had anticipated. No doubt Takata questions my abilities to take on such a creature, and it would insult his honor if he were not informed about what just happened.

Speak to the swordsman, tell him you are willing to slay the demon if he would allow it, but do not press too hard. It is better if he thinks it his own idea.


I witnessed what just occurred with Maurin and the demon lord. That creature, even as an apparition, seems to have more power than my warlock companion. I wonder if he's up to the task of defeating the monster? It would serve the Warchief better if I go myself, but with my responsibilities here, I would disgrace my clan if I turned my back on my duties here to battle this evil for my own honor.


Takata Steelblade is just across the path, on a cliff overlooking Kodo Graveyard.


  1. H [33] The Corrupter
  2. H [33] The Corrupter
  3. H [35] The Corrupter
  4. H [33] The Corrupter
  5. H [40G] The Corrupter

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