The Burning Crusade Townhall/Karazhan

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This article is a copy of "The Burning Crusade Townhall", an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It presented information about a variety of things in the Warcraft universe. The original article, formerly located at, did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website.

Between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows lies the desolate region of Deadwind Pass, where jagged, brooding spires of granite loom over petrified, lifeless forests. As its name suggests, it is a land devoid of life. But it was not always so...

Medivh, the Last Guardian, made his home in Deadwind, in the bright tower of Karazhan. Though he was the greatest wizard of his day (and humanity's intended custodian) Medivh was secretly possessed by the dark spirit of Sargeras, the Destroyer of Worlds. Through Medivh, Sargeras opened the Dark Portal and allowed the orcs to wage war upon the mortal kingdoms of Azeroth.

As the war progressed, Medivh fought against Sargeras' control. The raging conflict within him finally drove the wizard irrevocably insane. His childhood friend and the king's lieutenant-at-arms, Anduin Lothar, suspected the mage of treachery. With the aid of Medivh's young apprentice, Khadgar, Lothar stormed Karazhan and killed his one-time comrade. Since that day, a terrible curse has pervaded both the tower and the lands around it - casting a dark pall over Deadwind Pass and the region that is now known as Duskwood

In recent years, nobles of Darkshire ventured into Deadwind Pass to investigate the blight that had settled over the region. They entered the dark tower – but never emerged. In fact, witnesses maintain that the dread spirits of the nobles now reside within Karazhan's walls, cursed to revel in the tower's crumbling opera house for eternity. Yet far more perilous spirits reside within Medivh's macabre study, for it was there that demonic entities responded to the deranged wizard's summons.

Despite the myriad terrors that lie within, adventurers are still drawn to Karazhan - tempted by rumors of unspeakable secrets that may be found within the tower's arcane libraries. It is said that the vast, magical halls house the powerful spellbooks of Medivh himself.

Only one thing is certain when visiting the dreaded tower of Karazhan...

... you may never find your way out.

The decrepit tower of Karazhan once housed one of the greatest powers Azeroth has ever known: the sorcerer Medivh. Within its halls and corridors, he summoned all manner of otherworldly beings, researching magics no other would dare touch. Karazhan now stands abandoned; with its master gone, the monstrous things and untamed powers have grown unchecked, waiting to pounce on whoever is brave or foolish enough to enter its halls. Forge a group of ten stalwart adventurers and journey to the wasted land between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows known as Deadwind Pass, where the mystical tower lies. Only the strongest need apply: only those who have achieved level 70 are skilled enough to face what lies within. Prepare for:

  • Boss encounters scripted to unveil the mysteries of Karazhan and challenge your skill as a team;
  • Dozens of new items from the vaults and experiments within the tower;
  • Brand new monsters, the likes of which Azeroth has never seen;
  • And much more!



The page can still be viewed here through the Wayback Machine.