The Breath of Cenarius

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NeutralThe Breath of Cenarius
Start Loganaar
End Loganaar
Level 20-30
Type Dungeon
Category Druid
Experience 8500
Reputation +350 Cenarion Circle
Rewards  [Headdress of the Verdant Circle] or  [Headdress of the Green Circle]
1g 45s
Previous N Druid [20-30] Moonglade Calls
Next none


Recover the Breath of Cenarius from Pyromancer Loregrain in Blackrock Depths and use the artifact to close 3 Elemental Gates.


<name>, we have learned that a missing Cenarion artifact has surfaced in the hands of a Twilight's Hammer pyromancer. Pyromancer Loregrain has taken this artifact, the Breath of Cenarius, into Blackrock Depths and uses its power to open elemental gates.

We must act to keep Loregrain from summoning elementals to bolster the ranks of his Dark Iron allies. Recover the artifact from him and use its power to close the gates that Loregrain has been using.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helmet 09.png [Headdress of the Verdant Circle] Inv helmet 09.png [Headdress of the Green Circle]

You will also receive: 1g 45s


We cannot afford to allow the Dark Iron dwarves to ally with Twilight's Hammer.


I'm heartened to have the Breath of Cenarius back where it belongs and I know the rest of the circle will be impressed by your efforts. You may have also set back the plans of the Twilight's Hammer clan a bit, too. Excellent work.


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