The Black Prince Parade

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NeutralThe Black Prince Parade
Start Bartender Bob
End Bartender Bob
Level 60-70
Type Daily
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 9,050
Rewards [Soridormi's Recognition] (30), 70 [Paracausal Flakes]
25g 74s
Shareable Yes


Send each Wrathion back to his time through his temporal portal.


Five separate portals opened up here at the same time, and the same person stepped out of each one.

Now we have an inn full of Wrathions. All different ages, dealing with different things in their own lives, and very eager to blame each other for their problems.

Let's get them all back to their proper times before they cause too much trouble.


You will receive:


All this commotion is bad for business.


Glad that's taken care of. Imagine if our Wrathion had stopped by! I don't think my inn could have handled SIX of them.


Wrathion (1) says: I released Garrosh and all that came of it was death and suffering. And now, the Legion is going to destroy everything. Just as I said it would. But it's my fault.
Wrathion (2) says: How can you be so at ease, after all the bloodshed you caused?
Wrathion (1) says: I'm not in the mood for personal reflection.
Random quotes
  • Wrathion says: If you all would just stop talking and--
  • Wrathion says: If we all went together to my time, the Old Gods wouldn't stand a chance.
  • Wrathion says: How old are you again? And THIS is all I've accomplished?
  • Wrathion says: You're all insufferable.
  • Wrathion says: By the Aspects, you are all so immature.
  • Wrathion says: The Legion--
  • Wrathion says: This is utter nonsense.
  • Wrathion says: Oh, please.
  • Wrathion says: If any of you would listen to me, we could have claimed the Obsidian Citadel by now.
  • Wrathion says: We need to coordinate a plan! Naturally, I'll lead it.
  • Wrathion says: If you all would just stop talking and--
  • Wrathion says: Not even Aspect yet? So just what have you been spending your time on?
  • Wrathion says: The Old Gods--
  • Wrathion says: I don't have time to sit around and complain. The Burning Legion must be stopped!

There are five portals - Time-Portal to the Obsidian Dragonshrine, Time-Portal to the Chamber of Heart, Time-Portal to Ravenholdt Manor, Time-Portal to The Veiled Stair, and Time-Portal to Stormwind.

There are 5 Wrathions, four are needed to speak with.

Mists of Pandaria-Wrathion, level 45
Insufferable, the lot of them. They don't even realize what their ambition has wrought.
Mists of Pandaria-Wrathion, level 35
They're all fools. So busy bickering. We could have claimed the Obsidian Citadel by now!
Gossip (Quest) <Give Wrathion his tab.>
Wrathion says: What's this? My TAB? Paid in full?
Wrathion says: I'm being kicked out? Ridiculous! I'm not done here.
Left says: Yes you are, prince. Time to go home.
Right says: We'll take it from here.
They take the Veiled Stair portal.

Click on him to grab him. The Toss Wrathion extra action button becomes available. Toss him to the Ravenholdt Manor portal.

Ah, <name>. Glad that you're here.
I would happily return to my own time, but I have a... predicament. I need to speak with my old friend, now king of Stormwind, Anduin. I have essential information to share regarding the Old Gods.
Perhaps you could assist me in crafting a letter that will grant me an audience?
Gossip (Quest) <Help Wrathion write a letter.>
How shall we address this letter?
Gossip How shall we address this letter?
Gossip Your Most Esteemed Royal Highness.
Gossip Old Friend.
Gossip Whoever Matters Enough to Get Me an Audience with the King.
And the contents of this letter. How shall I compose the main text?
Gossip Straight to the point! I have information regarding the Old Gods' return...
Gossip Appeal to past adventures with Anduin as justification for his trust.
Gossip Name drop your mutual friend, <name>, who encourages this meeting.
Gossip Bribe him with the promise of many fine cloaks.
All that is left is the signature. Sincerely...
Gossip Wrathion.
Gossip The Black Prince.
Gossip Your New Official Royal Advisor.
Gossip "Wrathion." (P.S. it was actually <name>.)
Wrathion says: Ah, this will do wonderfully! Thank you.
Obsidian Citadel-Wrathion
Well, <name>, this certainly was not how I expected today to go.
Lovely to see you. And here, of all places. Looks like I am destined to find my ancestral home after all.
Gossip (Quest) <Tell Wrathion to apologize to Wrathion.>
Wrathion (1) says: I suppose I may owe myself an apology. I do have a point, after all.
Wrathion (2) says: I know the guilt you carry. I isolated myself for a long time because of it. But eventually, threats will appear that you cannot ignore.
Wrathion (1) says: But that too will pass. And look how far we've come! Our ancestral home, thriving and vibrant once more.
Wrathion (2) says: Despite it all... I'm glad I have a future to look forward to.
Wrathion (1) says: And that future is so very bright. Remember that in the hardship yet to come. You'll need it for N'Zoth.
Wrathion (2) says: Excuse me? For what?
Wrathion (1) says: You'll find out soon enough. Now, we must return. We both have people waiting for us.
The two Wrathions enter their portals.

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