The Armor of Mannoroth

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Mannoroth's remains.
Thrall and Garrosh under the tree.

The Armor of Mannoroth was located in Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar before Cataclysm. Mannoroth's skull was also hung on the dead tree that had been bleached white by the sun.[1]


On a plate mounted to a stone between the "forelegs" of the tree on which the armor is mounted is the following inscription:

These demon plates were worn by the creature that first cursed our people with bloodlust. By the heroic act of one brave orc - he was defeated. Mannoroth the Destructor is no more. Let these plates always remind us of how far we've come and how hard we fought to regain our honor.

- Thrall, Warchief of the Horde

Note that this plate is missing in the "instanced" version of Orgrimmar immediately preceding the Battle for the Undercity.


See also:  [Tusks of Mannoroth]
Garrosh's new armor is Mannoroth's remains
The throne

As of patch 4.0.3a, Mannoroth's armor and skull have been removed from the Valley of Wisdom. Garrosh Hellscream had the ends of Mannoroth's tusks fashioned into shoulder armor. This is shown by the fact that the skull, which hangs above Garrosh's new throne, had its tusks cut off. Mannoroth's shoulderpads and chains were also used for the throne.

The armor's support

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

As the tree resembles a general outline of annihilan body, it could have been shaped by tauren druids to accommodate the trophies.

Patch changes


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