The Ancients' Ire

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AllianceThe Ancients' Ire
Start Kerlonian Evershade
End Kerlonian Evershade
Level 5-30
Category Darkshore
Experience 1250
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards 13s (+7s 80c at max level)
Shareable Yes


Utilize a Vengeful Protector to kill 30 Shatterspear trolls and destroy 6 Shatterspear Structures.

  • Shatterspear Vale Trolls killed (30)
  • Shatterspear Structures destroyed (6)


Come to join the offensive? If you're looking for Sandrya Moonfall, she's leading the attack on the Shatterspear leader at the cave in the back of the vale, you can meet her there.

While you're here though, we could certainly use your help with routing the rest of their tribe. Go ahead and take the company of one of the Vengeful Protectors there and see to it that every last building is destroyed and every last troll killed. We can't have them coming back for revenge when we're less prepared, can we?

Kerlonian Evershade says: And don't worry about the trolls underfoot while you're up there. They'll be trampled into the ground by the ancients' strides.


You will receive: 13s (+7s 80c at max level)


I have no yearning for war, but I've had sufficient reason to worry that we'd get rusty after so much time away from the front lines. It's good to see that the Sentinels and the ancients are every bit as dangerous as I remember them.


You performed excellently up there! We are fortunate to have you with us.

I haven't yet received word regarding their leader. If you haven't spoken with Sandrya at the cave in the back of the vale, be sure to do so before you depart.

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