The Alliance Needs More Silk Bandages!

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Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
The subject of this article or section was part of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, a one-time world event that heralded the opening of Ahn'Qiraj.
AllianceThe Alliance Needs More Silk Bandages!
Start Nurse Stonefield
End Nurse Stonefield
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Dun Morogh
Rewards  [Alliance Commendation Signet],  [Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Supplies]
Previous A [60] The Alliance Needs Silk Bandages!


Bring 20 silk bandages to Nurse Stonefield at the airfield in Dun Morogh.


It is very kind of you to offer to help me again <class>. It looks like we've collected <number collected> silk bandages, so we'll need more.


You will receive:
Inv bannerpvp 02.png [Alliance Commendation Signet] Inv box 01.png [Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Supplies]


It is very kind of you to offer to help me again, <class>. It looks like we've collected a goodly number of the silk bandages we've been tasked with, but we still need more. <name>, is there any way that you could see fit to put together another bundle and return them to me here? The Alliance and I will be most grateful.


You are such a selfless person. Thank you very much for your contribution to the war effort. It's people like you that are going to make the difference between success and failure at Ahn'Qiraj. I just hope that all of this will be enough.

Thanks again, <name>.

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