The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN.

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The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN. is a quest achievement earned for completing the N [30-35 Daily] Vigilance on Wings daily quest ten times in Mount Hyjal. The daily quest is accessible after completing the N [30-35] Egg Wave quest.

A letter from Farden Talonshrike

Upon completion, players receive the  [Chirping Box], attached to a letter from Farden Talonshrike:

Please... Just Take It

Ever since his brother was taken away, this little creature has been nothing short of a handful. The guardians and I have done everything we can to contain his energy, but our efforts have fallen depressingly short. It is now clear:

He wants to be with his brother.

It took us nearly an hour to get him contained. Please, take him with you. Perhaps some time outside of this cavern will do him good.

~Farden Talonshrike


This quest rewards whichever companion pet you didn't take when completing the Egg Wave quest.

See also

Patch changes

External links