Professor Thaddeus Paleo

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NeutralProfessor Thaddeus Paleo
Image of Professor Thaddeus Paleo
Title <Darkmoon Faire Cards & Exotic Goods>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkmoon Faire
Location Darkmoon Island
Status Alive
Darkmoon Faire
The subject of this article or section is part of Darkmoon Faire, an ongoing event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next month.

Professor Thaddeus Paleo is an exotic goods vendor located in the Darkmoon Faire camp, which is only available during the monthly Darkmoon Faire event. He will collect full decks of Darkmoon Cards from players, and also sells scrolls, and healing and mana potions of various levels.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.

Item Cost
 [Ace of Iron]
 [Ace of the Moon]
 [Ace of Visions]
 [Ace of War]
 [Eight of Iron]
 [Eight of the Moon]
 [Eight of Visions]
 [Eight of War]
 [Five of Iron]
 [Five of the Moon]
 [Five of Visions]
 [Five of War]
 [Four of Iron]
 [Four of the Moon]
 [Four of Visions]
 [Four of War]
 [Seven of Iron]
 [Seven of the Moon]
 [Seven of Visions]
 [Seven of War]
 [Six of Iron]
 [Six of the Moon]
 [Six of Visions]
 [Six of War]
 [Technique: Darkmoon Card of the Legion (Rank 2)]
 [Technique: Darkmoon Card of the Legion (Rank 3)]
Technique: Prophecy Tarot
Technique: Prophecy Tarot
 [Three of Iron]
 [Three of the Moon]
 [Three of Visions]
 [Three of War]
 [Two of Iron]
 [Two of the Moon]
 [Two of Visions]
 [Two of War]

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

Inv alchemy leadedvial.png [Crystal Vial]
Inv drink 06.png [Empty Vial]
Inv alchemy imbuedvial.png [Imbued Vial]
Inv drink 06.png [Leaded Vial]
Inv scroll 02.png 2x [Scroll of Agility]
Inv scroll 02.png 2x [Scroll of Agility II]
3s 50c
Inv scroll 01.png 3x [Scroll of Intellect]
1s 50c
Inv scroll 01.png 2x [Scroll of Intellect II]
Inv scroll 07.png 3x [Scroll of Protection]
Inv scroll 07.png 2x [Scroll of Protection III]
Inv scroll 01.png 3x [Scroll of Versatility]
Inv scroll 01.png 2x [Scroll of Versatility III]
Inv scroll 07.png 3x [Scroll of Stamina]
1s 50c
Inv scroll 07.png 2x [Scroll of Stamina II]
Inv scroll 02.png 2x [Scroll of Strength]
Inv scroll 02.png 2x [Scroll of Strength II]
3s 50c
Item Cost
(4)  [Lesser Healing Potion] 1s
(4)  [Lesser Mana Potion] 1s 20c
(2)  [Superior Healing Potion] 10s
(2)  [Superior Mana Potion] 16s


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


  • Come speak with me if you have any Darkmoon Faire Cards.
  • Darkmoon decks! Turn them in here!
  • Have you any Darkmoon Faire cards? Come speak with me to learn more about them if you dare!

Darkmoon Island

Welcome to the faire young one! We have collected wonders from all over the world for your perusal. Oh and please let me know if you manage to collect a set of the lesser darkmoon cards, as the master... I mean I would be keenly interested in them.

Gossip Would you be interested in some card trading?

Gossip Tell me more about these Darkmoon Cards.

We have seeded darkmoon cards around the world to see if any worthy individuals could complete a set of any of the eight suits. If you manage to collect all eight cards of one of the suits we will reward you with one of the greater darkmoon cards that functions as a powerful trinket as well as a link to the Darkmoon Faire.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


Welcome to the Darkmoon Faire adventurer! We have collected wonders from all over the world for your perusal. Oh and please let me know if you manage to collect a set of the lesser Darkmoon cards, as the master... I mean I would be keenly interested in them.

Gossip Tell me about the Beasts Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Beasts cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of the Blue Dragon. This is very useful in restoring of magical energies.

Gossip Tell me about the Portals Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Portals cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of the Twisting Nether. This card will occasionally pull your spirit back into your body after death and restore you.

Gossip Tell me about the Elementals Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Elementals cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of the Maelstrom. This card will occasionally impact an enemy you are fighting with for heavy damage.

Gossip Tell me about the Warlords Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Warlords cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of Heroism. This card will occasionally heal you while you are engaged in melee combat.

Gossip Tell me about the Furies Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Furies cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of Vengeance. While wielding this card anyone who strikes you has a chance of suffering holy vengeance.

Gossip Tell me about the Lunacy Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Lunacy cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of Madness. The power of madness will fill you each time you slay an enemy.

Gossip Tell me about the Blessings Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Blessings cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of Crusade. This will increase the damage you do with your spells and attacks as you continue to fight.

Gossip Tell me about the Storms Deck.

If you manage to complete a deck of Storms cards you will be rewarded with a Greater Darkmoon card of Wrath. This will increase your chance to get a critical hit with spells or physical attacks until you achieve one.

Gossip Do other decks exist?

You are astute to ask, young <class>. Scribes are capable of inscribing tarot cards of great power, although even they do not have full control of what they make. The fates decide for them.
If you manage to obtain a completed deck, please bring it to me for a magnificent reward.
  • I have a fine selection of exotic potions and scrolls. But they're not for the faint of heart!
  • Come speak with me if you are a purveyor of the unusual, or if you have any Darkmoon Faire Cards.
  • If you wait to come see me, there may be nothing left!
  • Welcome one and all to the greatest show on all of Azeroth... the Darkmoon Faire! Adventure and excitement await, don't be shy! Mysteries and prizes for both the young and the old are here for the taking. And be sure to speak with the professor about any Darkmoon Cards that you have come across during your travels!

Patch changes

External links