Territorial Hydra

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MobTerritorial Hydra
Image of Territorial Hydra
Gender Male
Race Mandragora (Elemental)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Cracked Coast, Vol'dun[28, 61.2]
Status Killable

The Territorial Hydra is a mandragora located among the cliffs on the Cracked Coast in Vol'dun.


  • Ability creature poison 01.png Foul Breath — The caster exhales noxious vapors that inflict Nature damage to all players within 15 yards in front of the caster. The vapors continue to inflict Nature damage for 5 sec.
  • Ability creature disease 03.png Oozing Spit — The caster spits out several globs of viscous bile at nearby targets. Each impact creates a moving pool of vile liquid that will inflict Nature damage to all players that stand in the pool.
  • Achievement dungeon lostcity of tolvir lockmaw.png Thrashing Chomp — The caster lashes out, biting at all enemies within 15 yards in front of them, inflicting Physical damage to the closest player caught in their jaws. Victims of the attack are thrashed about, suffering Physical damage for 3 sec.
  • Trade archaeology whitehydrafigurine.png Vile Blood — Hydras all have blood that is toxic to their enemies. Chance to deal additional Nature damage on melee attacks.

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