Terminal Degree

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AllianceTerminal Degree
Start Marcus Howlingdale
End Thaddeus "Gramps" Rifthold
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 20,550
Rewards  ["Relic of the Makers"]
38g 80s
Previous A [20-60] Mistakes Were Made


File:Cragg the Stoneshaker.jpg
Cragg the Stoneshaker
Slay Cragg the Stoneshaker.

Slay Cragg the Stoneshaker and free Nigel Rifthold.


That's everyone but Nigel.

He's in the big cave! I bet he went in there to look for relics, but now he's tied up!

Would you save him too?


You will receive:
Trade archaeology nerubian obelisk.png ["Relic of the Makers"]

You will also receive:

  • 38g 80s
  • 20,550 XP


Thanks! Negotiation is a lot harder than Brann's book makes it out to be.


Thank you for saving my grandson and his friends.

I'm sure they will make fine explorers when they're adults.

Which will be about the time they are no longer grounded!


As luck would have it, the cave is right by where you're standing. Inside past Cragg the Stoneshaker, Nigel is tied to a spit over a fire.

  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: Earth break you!
  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: I eat you!
  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: No take fresh meat!
  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: You me snack now, too!
  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: Am... broken...
  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: It crumbles...
  • Cragg the Stoneshaker says: Me... kill... you...
Nigel Rifthold freed
Nigel Rifthold says: Come on! Let's get out of here!
Nigel runs out of the cave. When you get back to the group, Thaddeus is standing in front of them.
Thaddeus "Gramps" Rifthold says: Nigel! There you are!
Thaddeus "Gramps" Rifthold says: You kids know you're not supposed to sneak out!
Nigel Rifthold says: Yes, Gramps.
Marcus Howlingdale says: Yes, Gramps.
Amelia Tidecrest says: Yes, sir.
Thaddeus "Gramps" Rifthold says: You're all grounded for two months!
Nigel Rifthold says: Aww! C'mon, Gramps!
Amelia Tidecrest says: Awwwww!
Marcus Howlingdale says: But we're explorers!
Thaddeus "Gramps" Rifthold says: Keep that up and I'll make it three months!
Thaddeus "Gramps" Rifthold says: You're lucky that <name> happened along and was able to save you.


Optional breadcrumb in Fallhaven: A [20-60] The North Pass Caverns

  1. A [20-60] The Adventurer's Society
  2. A [20-60] Mistakes Were Made
  3. A [20-60] Terminal Degree

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