Template talk:Ref book

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This template is borrowed from wikipedia:template:cite book, with a slight name change.

{{ref book | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | editor = | others = | title =
 | origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = | url = | format = | accessdate = | accessyear =
 | accessmonth = | edition = | series = | date= | year = | month = | publisher = | location =
 | language = | isbn = | oclc = | pages = | chapter = | chapterurl = | quote = }}

Or, to use less:

{{ref book | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors =
 | title = | year = | publisher = | location = | isbn = }}


  • last: Surname of author. Don't wikilink (use authorlink instead).
    • first: First name(s) of author, including title(s) (eg. Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Snr.). Don't wikilink (use authorlink instead).
    • authorlink: Title of Wikipedia article about author. Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with "author" or "first" and "last".
    • coauthors: Full name of additional author or authors, separated by ", " (eg. Joe Bloggs, John F. Kennedy, H. R. Dent).
      • Whether the surname of the co-authors goes first or last is dependent on the citation style (see the citation style section) preferred.
    • OR: author: Full name of author, preferably surname first.
  • editor: Name of editor/editors. No text is added beyond "in," so labels such as "(ed.)" have to be supplied by the user.
    • This field should only be used when the cited author and the book editor are different. If the whole book is cited, instead of a specific part, use the "author" fields (possibly with extra "(ed.)" instead)
  • others: For uses such as "illustrated by Smith" or "trans. Smith".
  • title: Title of book. This is the only required parameter. Can be wikilinked only to an existing Wikipedia article. Do not use italics.
  • url: URL of an online book. Cannot be used if you wikilinked title.
    • format: Format, e.g. PDF. HTML implied if not specified.
    • accessdate: Full date when url was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17. Required when url field is used. Must not be wikilinked.
      • OR: accessyear: Year when item was accessed, and accessmonth: Month when item was accessed. If you also have the day, use accessdate instead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • edition: When the book has more than one edition. eg: "2nd edition".
  • series: When the book is part of a series of publications
  • origdate: Full date of publication of original edition, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2004-06-27. Must not be wikilinked.
    • OR: origyear: Year of publication of original edition, and origmonth: Month of publication of original edition. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • date: Full date of publication edition being referenced, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked.
    • OR: year: Year of publication edition being referenced, and month: Name of the month of publication. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • publisher: Publisher should not include corporate designation such as "Ltd" or "Inc".
    • location: Place of publication.
  • language: The language the book is written in, if it is not English.
  • isbn: International Standard Book Number such as 1-111-22222-9.
  • oclc: Online Computer Library Center ID number, such as 3185581
  • pages: pp. 5–7: first page and optional last page. This is for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not the total number of pages in the book.
  • chapter: The chapter of the book, written in full. Punctuation other than quotes should be included in the value passed to the parameter, eg. chapter = Meet Dick and Jane. produces "Meet Dick and Jane." ahead of title.
    • chapterurl: URL of an individual chapter of online book. Should be at the same site as url, if any.
  • quote: Relevant quote from the book.
  • ref: use this parameter to make the reference linkable. The variable is placed after the # in a hyperlink (the fragment identifier).


Just a title
* {{ref book | title=Mysterious book }}
  • Mysterious book. 
Year and title
* {{ref book | title=Mysterious book | year=1901 }}
  • Mysterious book. 
Basic usage
* {{ref book | first=Richard A. | last=Knaak | authorlink=Richard Knaak | year=1974 | title=The Sundering }}
Basic usage with url
* {{ref book | last=Knaak | first=Richard A. | authorlink=Richard Knaak | year=1974 | title=The Sundering | edition=1st Edition | url=http://en.wikipedia.org/ | accessdate=2006-02-17 }}
Three authors, title with a piped wikilink, edition
* {{ref book | last=Knaak | first=Richard A. | authorlink=Richard Knaak | coauthors=John Smith, Jim Smythe | title=[[A Thousand Acres|1000 Acres]] | edition=2nd Edition }}
Date without day, wikilinked title and publisher, id, pages, location
* {{ref book | last=Cordell | first=Bruce R. | coauthors=Jeff Grubb, David Noonan | year=2001 | month=September | title=[[Manual of the Planes]] | publisher=[[Wizards of the Coast]] | location=Timbuktu | | pages=pp. 134-137 }}
Date of first edition, other language, illustrator
* {{ref book | last=Knaak | first=Richard A. | origyear=1463 | year=1974 | title=The Sundering | edition=1st Edition | others=illustrated by Smith | language=German | url=http://en.wikipedia.org/ | accessdate=2006-02-17 }}
  • Knaak, Richard A.. The Sundering, illustrated by Smith, 1st Edition (in German). Retrieved on [[wikipedia:2006-02-17|]]. 
Using a DOI
*{{ref book | last=Mumford | first=David | authorlink=Richard Knaak | year=1999 | title=The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes: Includes the Michigan Lectures (1974) on Curves and Their Jacobians | edition=2nd ed. | publisher=[[Springer-Verlag]] | doi=10.1007/b62130 | isbn= }}
  • Mumford, David. The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes: Includes the Michigan Lectures (1974) on Curves and Their Jacobians, 2nd ed.. 


I think having to type all this data is stupid, when we have templates that could fix this easily.

I would like to try to revive Template:Cite, with a new purpose: you just write {{Cite|TLG|286}} and this appears: <ref>{{ref book |author= Grubb, Jeff |authorlink= Jeff Grubb |title= [[The Last Guardian]] | |pages=286}}</ref> .

Well, opinions? After all, the data is always identical, so I think there's no point at copying and pasting it again and again.--Lon-ami (talk) 11:11, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Sounds good to me. Much better way of using {{t|cite}}. --g0urra[T҂C] 12:26, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Maybe I could use {{source}} instead, and leave a field for any type of text. That would help with W3/W2/W1 references, too (just change page number for "human mission 2" or something like that).--Lon-ami (talk) 14:47, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Warcraft RPG books

Should they be included in the list? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by ‎Alayea (talk · contr).

No, there's already a template for RPG books: {{Ref rpg}} --Aquamonkeyeg (talk) 21:03, 13 July 2015 (UTC)
I must have had a senior moment to miss that. Thank you. -- Alayea (talk / contrib) 21:18, 13 July 2015 (UTC)

why no date field

Seems like a date field showing when a book was published would be pretty helpful in citing. Tycio (talk) 01:23, 8 February 2021 (UTC)