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Ambersmith Zikk
<Klaxxi Quartermaster>
Reputation Item Cost Slot Type Focus
Neutral  [Cruel Mercy Bracers] 162g 69s Wrist Leather Agility/crit
 [Sudden Insight Bracers] 162g 69s Wrist Leather Intellect/crit
 [Entombed Traitor's Wristguards] 167g 73s Wrist Mail Agility/crit
 [Runoff Wristguards] 167g 73s Wrist Mail Intellect/spirit
 [Krompf's Fine-Tuning Gloves] 166g 43s Hands Cloth Intellect/hit
 [Emperor's Riding Gloves] 166g 43s Hands Cloth Intellect/spirit
 [Inner Serenity Chestplate] 321g 12s Chest Plate Intellect/crit
 [Chestplate of the Stone Lion] 321g 12s Chest Plate Strength/hit
 [Bloodseeker's Solitaire] 202g 91s Neck Strength/haste
 [Choker of the Klaxxi'va] 203g 64s Neck Agility/hit
 [Links of the Lucid] 205g 16s Neck Intellect/spirit
 [Paragon's Pale Pendant] 204g 40s Neck Strength/parry
 [Wire of the Wakener] 205g 92s Neck Intellect/hit
 [Leggings of the Poisoned Soul] 480g 40s Legs Cloth Intellect/hit
 [Poisoncrafter's Kilt] 478g 63s Legs Cloth Intellect/spirit
 [Dreadsworn Slayer Legs] 483g 94s Legs Leather Agility/crit
 [Wind-Reaver Greaves] 482g 17s Legs Leather Intellect/spirit
 [Locust Swarm Legguards] 500g 14s Legs Mail Agility/crit
 [Swarmkeeper's Leggings] 485g 67s Legs Mail Intellect/spirit
 [Ambersmith Legplates] 455g 73s Legs Plate Intellect/spirit
 [Kovok's Riven Legguards] 501g 91s Legs Plate Strength/dodge
 [Legguards of the Unscathed] 457g 45s Legs Plate Strength/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Orator] 236g 29s Waist Cloth Intellect/hit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Seeker] 237g 19s Waist Cloth Intellect/spirit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Borrower] 234g 54s Waist Leather Agility/crit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Harbinger] 235g 40s Waist Leather Intellect/spirit
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Precursor] 233g 64s Waist Mail Intellect/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Winnower] 250g 48s Waist Mail Agility/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Consumer] 248g 72s Waist Plate Strength/parry
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Doubter] 249g 59s Waist Plate Intellect/haste
 [Klaxxi Lash of the Rescinder] 247g 83s Waist Plate Strength/crit
Honored  [Restorative Amber] 10g Consumable
 [Plans: Breastplate of Ancient Steel] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Gauntlets of Ancient Steel] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Ghost Iron Shield Spike] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Ghost Reaver's Breastplate] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Ghost Reaver's Gauntlets] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Belt Buckle] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Breastplate] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Gauntlets] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Living Steel Weapon Chain] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Forgewire Axe] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Ghost Shard] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Ghost-Forged Blade] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
 [Plans: Masterwork Spiritblade Decimator] 20 Kyparite Blacksmithing (600)
Revered  [Grand Commendation of the Klaxxi] 50g Rep token
Exalted  [Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess] 161g 18s 62c One-Hand Mace Agility/crit
 [Amber Slicer of Klaxxi'vess] 169g 8s 72c One-Hand Dagger Agility/haste
 [Amber Spine of Klaxxi'vess] 168g 47s 69c One-Hand Dagger Intellect/spirit
 [Amber Espada of Klaxxi'vess] 170g 90s 16c One-Hand Sword Strength/crit
 [Amber Saber of Klaxxi'vess] 159g 37s 18c One-Hand Sword Intellect/haste
 [Amber Sprayer of Klaxxi'vess] 120g 44s 43c Ranged Gun Agility/crit
 [Amber Spear of Klaxxi'vess] 212g 12s 19c Two-Hand Polearm Agility/hit
 [Amber Scythe of Klaxxi'vess] 212g 88s 48c Two-Hand Staff Intellect/spell power
 [Amber Flammard of Klaxxi'vess] 199g 97s 76c Two-Hand Sword Strength/crit
 [Reins of the Amber Scorpion] 10,000g Riding (300)
 [Klaxxi Tabard] 10g Tabard