Tears of Pandaria

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NeutralTears of Pandaria

Weeping Horror
Start Mei Barrelbottom [75.8, 7.6]
End Mei Barrelbottom [75.8, 7.6]
Level 15-35
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 110000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous N [15-35] Cheer Up, Yi-Mo
Next N [15-35] Securing the Province, N [15-35] Borderlands


Kill 12 Weeping Horrors in Zhu Province.


All of this started with our ponds. In a single day, all of the water retreated down into the earth. When there was no more water in the ponds, it began to fall from the sky.

Despite endless torrents of rain, the ponds do not fill. It's as if the land itself thirsts and cannot be quenched.

Now the ponds birth horrific manifestations of despair. Elementals made of water from the sky and salt from the earth; the tears of Pandaria.


You will receive: 9g 80s


I don't know why this is happening, but I can say for certain that those elementals were the start of it all.


Thank you, <class>.

It's time we take back our land from this curse.


  • 110000 XP


Pick up N [15-35] Materia Medica before heading out.

Head south or southwest out of town to the dried-up ponds, kill the elementals, loot the fish off the ground and the honeycombs from trees nearby.


Optional breadcrumb: N [15-35] Ken-Ken or A [15-35] Hero's Call: Krasarang Wilds! or H [15-35] Warchief's Command: Krasarang Wilds!

  1. N [15-35] What's Eating Zhu's Watch?
  2. N [15-35] Finding Yi-Mo
  3. N [15-35] Cheer Up, Yi-Mo
  4. N [15-35] Tears of Pandaria & N [15-35] Materia Medica
  5. N [15-35] Why So Serious?
  6. N [15-35] Apply Directly to the Forehead
  7. N [15-35] Zhu's Despair

Patch changes

External links