Tea for the Troubled

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Gubbins and Tubbins

Tea for the Troubled is awarded to players who serve tea to eight characters while controlling Tubbins during N [60] A Tea for Every Occasion in the N [60B] Venthyr Assault on the Tremaculum.

Only four characters will be visible each day, so consider not turning in the quest immediately and returning on a later date during the assault to find more characters.



The Countess
The Countess says: That scent... Is that you... Theotar?
The Countess says: You are a welcome sight in these uncouth lands, Tubbins and Gubbins.
The Countess says: Now, if you will excuse me, I must go thank Theotar in person.
Archivist Fane
Archivist Fane says: Kassir... is that... you...?
Archivist Fane says: It seems I owe you another favor now, Tubbins.
Archivist Fane says: I shall dispatch Lemet with a new batch of ingredients for you as soon as we return to Revendreth.
Iven and Zena
Zena says: What a delightful surprise, my dearest Iven. I love you.
Iven says: You are too kind, Tubbins, but I believe we already have everything we need.
Zena says: Yes, we do, my dearest Iven...
Zena says: Show me that spontaneous spin move that you first won my heart with!
Laurent says: Ambushed... lost the shards...
Laurent says: Thank you, friends.
Laurent says: I must hurry to rebuild the mirrors that Prince Renathal requires!
Simone says: Where... am I...?
Simone says: Well, I suppose this is what I deserve for following Laurent through that mirror.
Simone says: I shall remain in the Ember Ward next time.
Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Not... like... this...
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: This tea... contains such power. How is it possible?
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I must return to the Accuser, but I would ask that you teach me this technique at a later time, Tubbins.
Lost Sybille
Lost Sybille says: Twins approach... lest darkness encroach.
Lost Sybille says: Drank Tubbins, thank Gubbins...
Lost Sybille says: A debt repaid, twice conveyed.
Vulca says: Gubbins, Tubbins... Over here...
Vulca says: Charred shards, it's good to see you both.
Vulca says: Tell Theotar to meet me at the parlor when this is all over. He owes me a drink!

Criteria of

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