Taskmaster Matyas

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MobTaskmaster Matyas
Image of Taskmaster Matyas
Title <House Briarbane>
Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60 Elite
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House Briarbane
Location Feeders' Thicket & Witherfall Ruin, Revendreth
Status Killable

Taskmaster Matyas is a venthyr located in Feeders' Thicket and at Witherfall Ruin in Revendreth. He fancies himself quite the connoisseur.[1]

During the war against the Jailer, he invited the Maw Walker to see him.[2] His servant, Courier Araak, implied the reason might have been to use them for something unsavory to further his interests. As such, Araak teamed up with his friend Nadjia to discover Matyas' intentions.[3] Matyas had bested Nadjia and took her sinstone, so she was eager to help. From his journal, she learned that he wanted to use sinstones to learn the true names of his rivals and compel them to his will.[4][5] Nadjia devised a plan to knock Matyas down and recover her stolen sinstone. For that, she needed ingredients. With the beverage and poison components recovered,[6][1] she prepared the mixture and had the Maw Walker summon Matyas.[7] As Matyas was about to propose a partnership, he drank the poisoned gift and became incapacitated long enough for Nadjia to appear and the Maw Walker to recover the sinstone. When Nadjia challenged him to a duel, Matyas refused and escaped, with promise that he would give her true death.[8]

To finish him off Nadjia and the Maw Walker continued to Witherfall Ruin where Matyas and his followers were garrisoned and believed to have run to. As the Maw Walker was killing his followers and freeing the compelled ones, Nadjia found Matyas in the upper area of the tower.[9][10] As she named the Maw Walker her second, they engaged with Matyas and helped her kill him.[11]


  • Spell animarevendreth buff.png Animate Guardian
  • Ability revendreth warrior.png Blade Volley — Throws anima-infused daggers at all enemies, inflicting Shadow damage and additional Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
  • Spell animarevendreth missile.png Essence Rain — The caster lets out a torrent of shadowy energy at each enemies' position, inflicting Shadow damage at each impact point.


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