Tarjin's Tales

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NeutralTarjin's Tales
Start Tarjin the Blind [16.2, 62.7]
End Tarjin the Blind [16.2, 62.7]
Level 10-70
Type Weekly
Category Waking Shores
Experience 9,050
Rewards Ui chat.png Tarjin's Next Tale
25g 74s


Collect 5 Impressive Dragon Skulls from powerful dragons and proto-dragons in the Dragon Isles.


<Tarjin continues facing the distant island while he speaks to you.>

You think yourself worthy of the incredible legends and histories of the djaradin?

You, who are hardly the size of one of our weapons? Pfft.

I doubt you have the stomach to carry the legacy of my people.

Prove me wrong, if you can. Seek out dragons, the only worthy rival on these isles.

Bring me trophies of your victory over their strongest.


The following will be cast on you:

Ui chat.png Tarjin's Next Tale — Unlocks a new djaradin legend to listen to.

You will also receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,050 XP


If you haven't the stomach to fight your precious dragonflights, you may seek out the proto-dragons. They still give quite a fight.


<Tarjin tosses the skulls over his shoulder into the lava pit behind him.>

Impressive, for a weakling.


Players run across Tarjin the Blind while on the quest N [10-70W] Wanted: Fenistrasza's Skull from the Dragonscale Basecamp.

On approach:

Tarjin the Blind says: What weakling dares intrude on a lair of a mighty djaradin? Speak up!

On accept:

Tarjin the Blind says: Seek out the strongest dragons. Fighting their weak will only make you weaker.

Many dragons and proto-dragons will drop an  [Impressive Dragon Skull]. Collect five then return to Tarjin. The tales he tells are listed on his article.

On return:

Tarjin the Blind says: So, the outsider returns to beg for stories of their betters?

On complete:

Tarjin the Blind says: You have proven yourself worthy to hear one of my tales.

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