Targeted Ads

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NeutralTargeted Ads
Start Azley
End Azley
Level 10-70
Type Professions
Category Professions
Experience 9,350
Reputation +50 Artisan's Consortium - Dragon Isles Branch
Rewards  [Chef's Smooth Rolling Pin]
or  [Alchemist's Sturdy Mixing Rod]
or  [Draconium Blacksmith's Hammer]
or  [Draconium Leatherworker's Knife]
or  [Draconium Skinning Knife]
or  [Draconium Sickle]
or  [Draconium Pickaxe]
or  [Draconium Fisherfriend]
Next N [10-70] Customer Satisfaction


Recover flyers from Forkriver and Meddlesome Goats.


Hi, hi, hi! You looking for a gig?

We're doing a BIG opening sale for our new Crafting Order service, and we need to draw attention! But the wind took my flyers and I think some of the local goats ran off with them.

Could you get my flyers back?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc 1h mixingspoon b 01.png [Chef's Smooth Rolling Pin] Inv staff 2h alchemy b 01.png [Alchemist's Sturdy Mixing Rod]
Trade archaeology ogre2handedhammer.png [Draconium Blacksmith's Hammer] Inv knife 1h leatherworking b 01.png [Draconium Leatherworker's Knife]
Inv knife 1h skinning a 01.png [Draconium Skinning Knife] Inv misc 1h farmsickle a 01.png [Draconium Sickle]
Inv axe 1h miningpick a 01.png [Draconium Pickaxe] Inv misc 2h fishingpole b 01.png [Draconium Fisherfriend]

You will also receive:


Whoo! Setting up a business is busy, busy, busy!


Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best <name>!


  1. N [10-70] Targeted Ads
  2. N [10-70] Customer Satisfaction

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