Talrendis Scout

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AllianceTalrendis Scout
Image of Talrendis Scout
Gender Both
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Scout
Location Orgrimmar Rear Gate, Azshara
Status Killable

Talrendis Scouts are night elf scouts found wandering around the Orgrimmar Rear Gate, usually stealthed but not hard to find.

They are standard mobs in most respects other than their Forest Step ability. This will leave a tree stump in front of the player while the mob reappears behind the player.


  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Forest Step — Attempts to step through the leaves and reappear behind your enemy.
  • Ability stealth.png Talrendis Camo — Sneaking around in the tall grass.


Objective of

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