Talrendis Ancient

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AllianceTalrendis Ancient
Image of Talrendis Ancient
Race Ancient of War (Elemental)
Level 5-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Ancient Grove, Azshara[21.6, 75.8]
Status Killable / Alive

The Talrendis Ancient is an Ancient of War who is guarding the last of the Ancient Grove in Azshara. Horde players are tasked with destroying it by using the Reprogrammed Shredder.

During the Legion Invasions, the ancient, apparently regrown and much bigger, wandered around Azshara and attacked the invading demons, including bosses.


  • Inv stone 10.png Boulder — Hurls a boulder at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Spell nature stranglevines.png Entangling Roots — Entangles an enemy in roots, inflicting Nature damage every 3 sec. and immobilizing it for up to 5 sec.
  • Ability smash.png Smash — Smashes the target, inflicting 8 damage and knocking them back.

Objective of


Gossip to Alliance
Why, what brings you all the way over here, young <race>? Please be cautious. Our foes stream forth from a hole in the mountain to the east - they have done irreparable harm to this land.
Gossip to Horde
Begone, insect. You do not belong in these lands. Do not provoke my ire.
On approach during H [5-30] Arborcide
Keep your machines away from me, <race>! You'll be cleansed from this land like the weeds you are!

Patch changes

External links