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Talkative Brennadam Citizen

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AllianceTalkative Brennadam Citizen
No image available
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Occupation Commoner
Location Brennadam, Stormsong Valley

Talkative Brennadam Citizens are humans located in Brennadam in Stormsong Valley.

Objective of


See also: Fish Tales and Distant Sails#Notes
  • ... And the wave was taller than me head! Came crashing down onto the deck...
<<He/She> realizes you are standing there and turns to face you.>
Oi, you need something?
  • Braggarts and liars, all of them.
Bet I have a few stories you haven't yet heard.
  • ...I'm telling you, this island had flying monkeys on it! Why would I make something like that up?
<Flustered, <he/she> sighs and turns to you.>
... Hail, stranger. Come to trade a tale or two?
  • <<He/She> stops mid-sentence and looks at you.>
  • ... So I told her where she could drop her anchor...
<<He/She> clears <his/her> throat and looks at you.>
You just going to keep dropping eaves or do you want something from me?
  • ... So you're telling me you got dragged down to the bottom of the sea by a giant tentacle and you're standing here to tell the tale?
<<He/She> gestures to <his/her> conversational partner.>
You believe this load of horse dung? Anyway. What can I do for you?
  • ...Well of course I had to let it go. How was I supposed to haul a whale shark aboard?
<<He/She> lightly elbows you in the ribs.
Ain't that right?
What did you want, now?
  • Got any good gossip, <name>?

Gossip Do you know where I can find Dorian Atwater?

Each citizen will respond with one of the following lines, in order:

Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: Who?
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: Never seen it myself, but I've heard that Atwater once built a ship in a single day! Say hello for me, aye?
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: Isn't that the name of a famous shipwright? I swear I've heard it before...
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: Oh, sure. Atwater brings down a cart from up north every couple of days or so.
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: THE Dorian Atwater? Famous shipwright? Designed the Kul Tiran flagship? Tall, strong, could build a boat without breaking a sweat? Nope, no idea who that is.
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: Dorian? Oh, aye. I make the trek from Fort Daelin all the time and we sometimes cross paths. I hope that helps.
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: The shipwright? I heard the old sea dog died.
Talkative Brennadam Citizen says: Aye, the Atwaters live out of town, somewhere in the Deadwash I reckon. I don't travel that way too often.

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